高速道路トンネル内の路上落下物視認性向上のための 基本照明最適化

Optimization of basic lighting for improving the visibility of fallen objects in expressway tunnel.
大草 光司 Koji OHKUSA 重松 大樹 Daiki SHIGEMATSU 三宅 賢二 Kenji MIYAKE 池田 善久 Yoshihisa IKEDA 神野 雅文 Masafumi JINNO
カテゴリ: 第14回


To improve visibility of fallen objects in expressway tunnel, we optimized the ratio of the horizontal to the vertical illuminances based on subject experiments using a model tunnel. To increase surface luminance contrast between an object and road surface, the vertical illuminance was increased. In the case of the luminance contrast was higher than 1.32, the objects whose reflectivity is over 10 % were recognized by all the research subjects. On the other hand, increase in the horizontal illuminance did not affect the surface luminance contrast and did not improve the visibility. In conclusion, the surface luminance contrast is the most important index to evaluate the visibility under the reverse silhouette view and enhancement of the vertical illuminance is an effective way to improve the visibility which is necessary to the safe traffic environment.
