液滴衝撃エロージョンに関する研究 (高速噴霧流による減肉特性の評価)

Investigation on Liquid Droplet Impinging Erosion (Evaluation of erosion rate by high-speed spray)
濱 大地 Daichi HAMA 山縣 貴幸 Takayuki YAMAGATA 高野 剛 Tsuyoshi TAKANO 藤澤 延行 Nobuyuki FUJISAWA
カテゴリ: 論文


The liquid droplet impinging erosion has been a topic of interests related to the maintenance of highly-aged nuclear power plant. However, there exists very few erosion data for small liquid droplets having an order of tens of micrometer in diameter, which is often encountered in prototype pipelines for nuclear power plant. In the present paper, the liquid droplet impinging erosion is investigated by high-speed spray to study the erosion rate of aluminum material with respect to droplet parameters, such as velocity, diameter and number density of droplets, which are measured by optical imaging techniques. It is found that the erosion rate increases in proportional to the power of droplet velocity, which ranges from 6.5 in the maximum rate stage to 4.5 in the terminal stage of erosion. The present measurement also indicates that the erosion does not occur at velocity lower than the critical velocity 95 m/s. These results indicate a certain degree of deviation from the previous results, which suggests the influence of droplet diameter on the erosion rate and the critical velocity.
