異材溶接部のイメージベース波動伝搬シミュレーションと その実験的検証

Image-based Simulation of Wave Propagation in Dissimilar Metal Welding Part and Its Verification
中畑 和之 Kazuyuki NAKAHATA 廣瀬 壮一 Sohichi HIROSE Martin BARTH Bernd KOHLER Frank SCHUBERT
カテゴリ: 論文


The ultrasonic testing (UT) of a dissimilar metal welding part is difficult due to the acoustic anisotropy and local heterogeneity. The ultrasonic wave in the weld is skewed along crystallographic directions and scattered by metal grain boundaries. Here we propose a straightforward UT simulation tool to predict wave propagation in the weld. The tool is based on the finite integration technique (FIT) and the image-based modeling. In our simulation, a picture of a specimen with a V-groove weld is scanned and fed into the image based FIT. Material parameters in the weld are mathematically determined from the metal grain structure which is obtained from EBSP photos. The accuracy of the image-based FIT simulation is verified with visualizations of wave propagation by a laser vibrometric measurement.
