
Study on a Method for Identifying Degradation Mechanisms to be Validated in Maintenance Management of R&D-Level Nuclear Power Plants Using the PIRT Process
髙屋 茂 Shigeru TAKAYA 近澤 佳隆 Yoshitaka CHIKAZAWA 田中 正暁 Masaaki TANAKA
カテゴリ: 第14回


In a previous paper, the authors discussed maintenance management suitable to R&D-level nuclear power plants, and made proposals. One of key proposals was to enhance knowledge on potential degradation mechanisms specific to a new reactor type by accumulating operational experience. It was noted that validation of R&D knowledge in actual plant conditions is important. In this study, a method for identifying degradation mechanisms to be validated by the PIRT (Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table) process is proposed to develop effective maintenance plans of R&D-level nuclear power plants based on the graded approach. Furthermore, the applicability of the proposed method is illustrated by an example of application to MONJU that is an R&D-level nuclear power plant of sodium-cooled fast reactors.
