応力改善工法で付与した圧縮残留応力の持続性評価-理想 化陽解法 FEM を用いたショットピーニング解析手法の開発 (第 1 報)

Evaluation of the sustainability of compressive residual stress by introduced a stress improvement method (the first report) -Development of analysis method of the shot peening using idealized explicit FEM
山田 祐介 Yusuke YAMADA 柴原 正和 Masakazu SHIBAHARA 生島 一樹 Kazuki IKUSHIMA 木谷 悠二 Yuji KITANI 西川 聡 Satoru NISHIKAWA 古川 敬 Takashi FURUKAWA 秋田 貢一 Koichi AKITA 鈴木 裕士 Hiroshi SUZUKI 諸岡 聡 Satoshi MOROOKA
カテゴリ: 第14回


When the steel structure is built such as nuclear power plant, residual stress occurs in or near the welding joint and it may cause the stress collision cracking(SCC). Therefore, as prediction of SCC, surface treatment such as the shot peening(following SP) is carried out in the weld, but the case analyzed about residual stress reforming by the SP does not exist. So, we developed the analysis method that can predict compressive residual stress relaxation behavior during shot peening by modelling dynamics behavior at the time of the shot peening based on idealized explicit FEM which is large-scale non-linear structure analysis method. As a result of having compared the indentation from experiment with the indentation of by the developed method, I confirmed that I agreed well. In addition, I confirmed relaxation of the compressive residual stress by the shot peening by applying development method for bead on plate welding.
