オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼316FR 鋼の供用中クリープ寿命予測法

In Situ Creep Life Prediction Methods for Austenitic Stainless Steel 316FR
中曽根 祐司 Yuji NAKASONE 鈴木 駿 Hayao SUZUKI
カテゴリ: 第12回


The present paper proposes new creep life prediction methods that can be used in situ as an in-service inspection tool for the condition based monitoring of high-temperature structure components of 316FR stainless steel. The methods are based on two types of the modified theta methods and the combination of the modified and omega methods are applied to creep deformation data measured in the creep tests made at different applied stress levels at 823-923 K in air. Creep lives were predicted by the proposed methods at arbitrary times in the continuous measurement of deformation during the creep tests. The results show that the combination of the modified and omega methods gives the most accurate prediction of fatigue lives at the three levels of ambient temperature for different applied stress levels.
