凝固シミュレーション技術を活用した異材継手部の 超音波探傷シミュレーション

UT simulation of dissimilar metal weld joint utilizing solidification simulation technique
古川 敬 Takashi FURUKAWA 上山 芳教 Yoshinori KAMIYAMA 水野 亮二 Ryoji MIZUNO
カテゴリ: 第12回


Abstract Ultrasonic testing (UT) is the most appropriate non-destructive testing because of capabilities for detection and depth sizing of flaw. But it is generally said that the flaw detection in austenitic weld is difficult because of dispersion and attenuation of the ultrasonic wave.UT simulation is a very useful technique for understanding the phenomena in the propagation of ultrasonic wave and for evaluating the UT results.On UT simulation for weld used austenitic welding material, modeling of columnar crystal structure of weld metal is important. The method to predict columnar structure with crystal orientation by solidification simulation is being developed. The predicted columnar structure in the dissimilar weld metal joint by simple heat input was modeled for UT simulation. It was suggested that ultrasonic reflection and scattering from boundary between columnar structures and fusion boundary could simulate using the model in this study.
