ナトリウム冷却型高速炉のトラブル事例データベース の開発

Development of Trouble Data base of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor
下村 健太 Kenta SHIMOMURA ダニエル・ガルシア・ロドリゲス Daniel Garcia Rodriguez
カテゴリ: 第12回


There is a longstanding interest to improve the in-service inspection (ISI) of nuclear power plants in general, and sodium fast reactors (SFR) in particular. With the goal of improving both safety and economic performance, a risk-informed approach to in-service inspection (RI-ISI) has therefore been earmarked for future commercialscale SFR. A reliable RI-ISI, however, can only be established based on a rich operational experience record. For long, JAEA has compiled information about SFR troubles, but up to now such effort had been limited to specific types of troubles or components, while lacking the reliability and completeness required for the RI-ISI approach. In this paper we introduce recent work aiming to develop a comprehensive SFR trouble database based on original information sources, which both expands and improves any previously available documentation.
