AE センサを用いたケミカルアンカの非破壊検査技術の開発 (1) 実験的検討
Development of non-destructive inspection technique for adhesive anchor bolts using AE sensor (1) An experimental approach
江藤 淳二 Junji ETOH 小川 良太 Ryota OGAWA 松永 嵩 Takashi MATSUNAGA 礒部 仁博 Yoshihiro ISOBE
adhesive anchor boltAE sensornon-destructive inspection
Development of non-destructive inspection technique for adhesive anchor bolts using AE sensor (1) An experimental approach
江藤 淳二 Junji ETOH 小川 良太 Ryota OGAWA 松永 嵩 Takashi MATSUNAGA 礒部 仁博 Yoshihiro ISOBE
カテゴリ: 第11回
キーワードタグ:adhesive anchor boltAE sensornon-destructive inspection
Post-installed adhesive anchor bolts are commonly used on all types projects, from standard buildings to bridges and nuclear power plants. They are exposed to varying and diverse environmental conditions which are significant successfully to make connections to concrete structures for many years. In order to maintain the safety and reliability of concrete structures such as buildings or bridges on higher level over a long period time, we developed a new non-destructive inspection system of adhesive anchor bolts based on hammering tests using AE (acoustic emission) sensor. It was confirmed that our developed inspection system based on hammering tests using AE sensor had a large potential to evaluate adhesive anchor bolts.