電磁誘導法による肉厚測定技術の開発(その2) -加熱ジャケット付き容器への適用-
Development of Measuring Techniques of Thick Wall Samples by Electro-Magnetic Induction (Part 2) - An Application for Vessels with Heating Jacket -
小泉 英明 Hideaki KOIZUMI 稲熊 正彦 Masahiko INAKUMA 加納 洋一 Yoichi KANO 菊池 英樹 Hideki KIKUCHI 小林 雅弘 Masahiro KOBAYASHI 高倉 一真 Kazuma TAKAKURA 出井 義純 Gijun IDEI
Dual Wall VesselECTEddy Current TestingElectro-Magnetic Induction TestingEMITPipeReprocessing FacilityStainless SteelTankVessel
Eddy Current Testing (ECT) is widely used in the industries. However, ECT normally uses certain high frequency range, therefore its application is limited to detect surface- or near surface defects. Strength of the electro-magnetic flux decreases exponentially in penetrating into the samples, and its rate is a function of conductivity, permeability and thickness of the samples and the frequency in use. Therefore, conventional ECT is difficult to detect inner surface defects or measure the thickness of the thick wall pipes or vessels. Dual wall vessels with heating jacket are used in the Reprocessing Facility, inner wall for processing, and outer wall for heating. To evaluate the inner surface corrosion, wall thickness of inner vessel from the exterior of outer vessel is required in the facility. Electro-Magnetic Induction Testing (EMIT) has been studied and developed as a candidate for the method. The inner wall thickness measurement was successfully achieved in mockup made from stainless steel simulating the dual wall vessel thickness of 30mm each. The details are reported.