熱力学モデルによる福島第一原子力発電所3 号機高圧注水系(HPCI)挙動の推定

Behaviour of high pressure coolant injection system (HPCI) in accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 3, based on thermodynamic model
円山 重直 Shigenao MARUYAMA
カテゴリ: 第11回


Inorder to clarify the process of Accident of Fukushima Nuclear Plants, an accident scenario of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 3 is analyzed from the data open to the public. Phase equilibrium process model was introduced in which the vapor and water are at saturation point in the vessels. The present accident scenario assumes that the high pressure coolant injection system (HPCI) did not worked properly, but the steam in the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) leaked through the turbine of HPCI to the suppression chamber since 12/3/2011 12:35. It is assumed that the Tsunami flooded the torus room where the suppression chamber was placed. Proposed accident scenario agrees with the data of the plant parameters obtained just after the accident. If the present scenario is correct, the behavior that operators in the plant stopped HPCI at 13/3 2:42 did not affect seriously on the RPV rupture.
