ガイド波を用いたエルボ管の欠陥位置推定における 誤差に関する基礎的研究
On estimation errors of defect locations using guided wave
西川 良祐 Ryosuke NISHIGAWA 西野 秀郎 Hideo NISHINO
Defect detectionGuided wavePipe inspectionUltrasonic testing
In this paper, axial locations of defects in elbow pipes were estimated by the T(0,1) mode guided waves. 50A Schedule 40 aluminum pipes with the JIS short- and long elbows and a 100A Schedule 40 aluminum pipe with the JIS long elbow were prepared and evaluated, respectively. The T(0,1) mode guided wa ves (30, 40 and 50 kHz) were generated and detected by the piezoelectric ring-shaped sensor system. In the straight regions of the elbow pipes, estimates were good agreement with the real locations of the artificial defects. In the regions beyond the elbow s, the estimates were also fairly good agreement with the real locations if the calibrations of the time-delays during the propagations in elbow parts were carried out. The a ccuracies and errors of the estimations were discussed.