ACM センサを用いた空調ダクトの予防保全計画

Preventive maintenance plan of the air-conditioning duct using the ACM-sensor
福場 一司 Kazushi FUKUBA 藤 孝信 Takanobu ITO 島 明子 Akiko KOJIMA 丹治 和宏 Kazuhiro TANJI 佐藤 優樹 Yuki SATO
カテゴリ: 第10回


Air-conditioning duct is difficult to predict the date to occur of corrosion such as affect the function. Therefore, the current conservation method is mostly corrective maintenance. Therefore, was used the test pieces of six types and ACM-sensor in order to solve the corrosion speed from corrosion environment and relationship of corrosion quantity of test pieces. In addition, was used the duct molded articles various in order to check the corrosion degree of when processed the duct. As a result, we were selected duct body constituting a duct and optimal combination of the flange by solve the corrosion speed of the test pieces various. Thus, it performs preventive disposal before to occur of corrosion such as affect the function by predicting the duct life from corrosion speed, and lead to stability and safe operating by appropriate maintenance of equipment.
