Visualization Experiment of High-speed Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow and Liquid Droplet Generation from Liquid Film downstream of an Orifice
江原 真司 Shinji EBARA 梅原 真弘 Masahiro UMEHARA 橋爪 秀利 Hidetoshi HASHIZUME
Gas-liquid two-phase flowLiquid droplet generationLiquid droplet impingement erosionLiquid fileOrifice downstream
Visualization Experiment of High-speed Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow and Liquid Droplet Generation from Liquid Film downstream of an Orifice
江原 真司 Shinji EBARA 梅原 真弘 Masahiro UMEHARA 橋爪 秀利 Hidetoshi HASHIZUME
カテゴリ: 第9回
キーワードタグ:Gas-liquid two-phase flowLiquid droplet generationLiquid droplet impingement erosionLiquid fileOrifice downstream
Abstract Liquid droplet impingement (LDI) erosion can never be caused when there is not any liquid droplet in a piping system. In this study, the liquid droplet generation from l iquid film formed downstream an orifice in a pipe was studied experimentally and visualized by using a high-speed camera. Water-air two-phase flow was supplied to the orifice and liquid film was formed in the recirculation region downstream the orifice. It was found from the experiment that the liquid film was entrained by the fast air flow and numerous l iquid droplets were generated from the entrained liquid film. In addition, the characteristic of the generated liquid droplets such as their size and velocity were also analyzed.