高経年化技術評価の高度化 一原子炉圧力容器の健全性評価一

Study of System Safety Evaluation on LTO of National ProjectStructural Integrity Assessment of Reactor Pressure Vessels
鬼沢 邦雄 Kunio ONIZAWA 真﨑 浩一 Koichi MASAKI 小坂部 和也 Kazuya OSAKABE 西川 弘之 Hiroyuki NISHIKAWA 勝山 仁哉 Jinya KATSUYAMA 西山 裕孝 Yutaka NISHIYAMA
カテゴリ: 第9回


Abstract To assure the structural integrity of a reactor pressure vessel (RPV) is known as one of the critical issues to maintain the safe long-term operation of a nuclear power plant. In Japan, the assessment meth ods for RPV integrity, stipulated in the codes and standards, have been endorsed by the regulatory body. Authors have initiated extensive research on the improvement of structural integrity assessment methods of RP Vs. In this paper, we describe some research results obtained from the first-year activity. These include the study on revisiting the technical background of the methods, such as loading conditions, postulated crac k definition, the other evaluation methods. In addition, studies on probabilistic methods for the applicability to the current rules and the standardization of the probabilistic analysis methods have been presented.
