
Tsunami Measures for the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant.
秋山 康之 Yasuyuki AKIYAMA 清水 重彦 Shigehiko SHIMIZU 藤井 誠 Makoto FUJII
カテゴリ: 第9回


At the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant, we have implemented measures to reflect the findings obtained from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants of Tokyo Electric Power Company, by the ea rthquake off the coast of Pacific Ocean in March 2011. The main points of these measures are; The flooding prevention measures 1 (To prevent flooding by tsunami on the station site), 2 The flooding preven tion measures 2 (To prevent flooding inside buildings even if tsunami intrude the station site) 3 The enhancement of emergency measures (To protect the cooling function if we have lost all AC power supply and seawater cooling system). In this paper, we have reported an overview of the constructions of the sea wall and emergency seawater supply system which are being implemented as tsunami countermeasures.
