Application of Microwaves on Remote and Nondestructive Testing of both Biofouling and Wall Thinning inside a Metal Pipe
Application of Microwaves on Remote and Nondestructive Testing of both Biofouling and Wall Thinning inside a Metal Pipe
劉 臨生 Linsheng LIU 佐々木 幸太 Kota SASAKI 遊佐 訓孝 Noritaka YUSA 橋爪 秀利 Hidetoshi HASHIZUME
Biofilm and biofoulingMicrowaveNondestructive testingRemote detectionWall thinning
The authors have already proposed microwave nondestructive testing (NDT) method on detecting both location and degree of a pipe wall thinning (PWT) inside a metal pipe. However, problems caused by iofouling inside metal pipes are also frequ ently reported in recent years. As the existence of biofilm inside a aveguide will change its wave impedance and also cause microwave reflections, the characteristic signals of iofilm defects are studied here to distinguish the biofilm and PWT defects. A pair of coaxial line probes is designedad utilized for the microwave NDT testing. This paper reports the experimental results on this research, and it resents not only the detected reflection signals according to both the PWT and biofilm, but also the detected esonance frequencies for both of them during the experiment. This work is a preliminary and original attempt mat aims to remote detect and distinguish the defect types inside a metal pipe using microwaves.