
Development of Underwater Laser Beam Welding Equipment
徳永 泰明 Yasuaki TOKUNAGA 千田 格 Itaru CHIDA 椎原 克典 Katsunori SHIIHARA 田村 雅貴 Masataka TAMURA 福田 健 Takeshi FUKUDA 前原 剛 Takeshi MAEHARA 依田 正樹 Masaki YODA
カテゴリ: 第8回


Toshiba has developed various laser-based maintenance and repair technologies and already applied to nuclear power plants. Laser beam welding technology has been developed as an SCC cou ntermeasure for aged components in PWRs and BWRs. This technology can also be used underwater by blowing shielding gas for creating a local dry area. This welding equipment has damage d etecting function of optical elements such as windows and optical fiber cables, and the laser beam spot position and diameter can be adjusted. These designs have improved safety and wel ding quality. In this report, the outline of the underwater laser beam welding for Reactor Coolant System nozzles of PWRs are presented, especially focused on the device configurations.
