市民とのリスクコミュニケーションに求められるもの ~2009年度調査からみた福島以後の専門家の課題~

How and What Should Nuclear Experts Communicate the Public after theFukushima Accident?
土屋 智子 Tomoko TSUCHIYA
カテゴリ: 第8回


Abstract This presentation focuses on the differences between experts and the public based on the 2009 survey and the experiences of risk communication activities in Tokai-mura since 2003. The results of the 20 09 survey show that the public perception for the risk of nuclear power generation lowered comparing with the 1999 survey. However, the accident at the Fukushima Daiich nuclear power plant might impact on both risk perception of lay people and experts, because they answered how national government or electric power companies manage the risk, and whether experts can control environmental impacts as lower as possible a re seriously considered when they evaluate nuclear power technology. The experiences of risk communication in Tokai suggest how and what should nuclear experts communicate the public after the severe accident,
