
Overview of the technical evaluation of 40-year Plant Life ManagementTsuruga Power Station unit 1
津田 保 Tamotsu TSUDA 楠 丈弘 Takehiro KUSUNOKI 岡田 寛 Hiroshi OKADA 山田 多士 Takeshi YAMADA
カテゴリ: 第7回


Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) has completed the Ageing Management Technical Evaluation (AMTE) for Tsuruga Power Station unit 1 that has entered 40-year operation first in Japan, and has established the long-term maintenance management policy based on the evaluation. JAPC conducted the AMTE in accordance with “Ageing Management Implementation Guideline for Nuclear Power Plants“, “Code on Implementation and review of Nuclear Power Plant Ageing Management Programs 2008“ etc. During the 40-years AMTE, the verification of the 30 years AMTE results was also performed as an additional evaluation to 30 years AMTE. The AMTE of Tsuruga Power Station unit 1 concluded that most of component and structure would be maintained their integrity by continued existing preservation activities, even assuming the operation period of 60 years. For some components, JAPC identified additional maintenance activities to be implemented after 40 years operation as a part of the long term maintenance policy. These activities will be reflected in maintenance plan and implemented, which assure the integrity of these component.
