Experiments of Influencing Factors in the Magneto-mechanical Effect

Experiments of Influencing Factors in the Magneto-mechanical Effect
LiQiang ZHONG LuMing LI
カテゴリ: 第7回


Based on the magneto-mechanical effect, the surface magnetic field of ferromagnetic materials can be used o evaluate their stress status or defects. However, there are several factors which affect the magnetic field listribution. In the last 10 years, we have carefully studied the effect of stress, the environmental field, and he material of the specimens. The experimental results pointed out some relationships between the surface ield and the structural safety of ferromagnetic materials: -. The abnormal change of surface field will be larger in higher carbon content steel as well as the magneto-mechanical effect coincide with magnetic hardness density of ferromagnetic properties. The environmental field is critical to the surface magnetic field distribution. This includes the tendency towards magnetization when the stress increases. In specific environments, the magnetic field change caused by stress concentrations can be approximated by the law of approach by Jiles. DC.
