A Study on Maintenance Optimization by the Automatic Planning Tool for Regular Plant OutageWork in Nuclear Power Plant Using the Logic Programming Language “Prolog”
児玉 典子 Noriko KODAMA 高瀬 健太郎 Kentaro TAKASE 青木 孝行 Takayuki AOKI 宮 健三 Kenzo MIYA
Logic Programming LanguageMaintenance OptimizationPlant Outage Work PlanningProlog
A Study on Maintenance Optimization by the Automatic Planning Tool for Regular Plant OutageWork in Nuclear Power Plant Using the Logic Programming Language “Prolog”
児玉 典子 Noriko KODAMA 高瀬 健太郎 Kentaro TAKASE 青木 孝行 Takayuki AOKI 宮 健三 Kenzo MIYA
カテゴリ: 第7回
キーワードタグ:Logic Programming LanguageMaintenance OptimizationPlant Outage Work PlanningProlog
This paper discusses maintenance optimization by the automatic planning tool for regular plant outage work in nuclear power plant using the logic programmin g language “Prolog”. As a result of consideration, the following results were obtained. (1) The automatic planning tool for regular plant outage in nuclear power plant was developed. (2) Using this tool, the work plan for BWR primary recirculation system and residual heat removal systemwas automatically made on the condition of flattening man loading over the plant outage schedule asmuch as possible. (3) Several points for improving the developed tool were listed.