
Experimental research on mass flow accelerated corrosion mechanism behind the orifice
小城 烈 Retsu KOJO 黒田 祐志 Yuji KURODA 近藤 昌也 Masaya KONDO 辻 義之 Yoshiyuki TSUJI
カテゴリ: 第7回


Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) is thought to be the origin of the pipe thinning in the pipe of second cooling system of power plants. FAC is a phenomenon that inclined to and promoted the c orrosion because of the increase of the complex turbulent flow behind the orifice. Now the analysis of the mechanism of FAC for maintenance of the nuclear reactor is performed. Although the r ough surface is confirmed over the pipe wall, influence of the shape on the corrosion is not understood at this stage. Therefore, it aims at the investigating the mechanism of the flow accele rated corrosion under the rough surface in the present study. We measure the mass transfer rate directly with electrochemical method at the wall with the influence of the ruggedness elements.
