Study on permeation behavior of hydrogen isotope in stainless steel
押尾 純也 Junya OSUO 倉田 理江 Rie KURATA 小林 真 Makoto KOBAYASHI 鈴木 優斗 Masato SUZUKI 王 万景 Wanjing WANG 大矢 恭久 Yasuhisa OYA 奥野 健二 Kenji OKUNO
activation energychemical statehydrogen isotopepermeationstainless steel
Stainless steel is used in various nuclear installations as a major structural material. Tritium is produced by several nuclear reactions in these facilities. It is considered that the hydrogen isotope included tritium permeated for stainless steel through the interaction such as dissolution, diffusion and recombination, and is released on the atmosphere. Therefore, it is important to clarify permeation behavior of tritium in stainless steel from the viewpoint for improvement of the social acceptability of the nuclear energy and safety. In this study, deuterium experiments f or each temperature and pressure were carried out. As a result, chemical state of deuterium permeation was gaseous state. In addition, activation energy of permeated deuterium was 0.30±0.01 eV.