
Improvement of Magnetic Flux Density Measurement Techniquefor Irradiation Damage Evaluation
今野 将太郎 Shotaro KONNO 高屋 茂 Shigeru TAKAYA 永江 勇二 Yuji NAGAE 山県 一郎 Ichiro YAMAGATA 小川 竜一郎 Ryuichiro OGAWA 赤坂 尚昭 Naoaki AKASAKA 西野入 賢治 Kenji NISHINOIRI
カテゴリ: 第7回


We are developing a method for evaluation of irradiation damage on structural materials in nuclear plants by using change in magnetic flux density due to irradiation damage. In this study, the magnetic flux density measurement technique has been improved by introducing a new magnetizer which enables local magnetizing by contacting the sample surface. We can magnetize samples, especially ferromagnetic samples, more precisely co mpared to the existing method. Furthermore, the new method can remove many limitations for the application to real plants. In addition, we established the calibration method of the flux gate sensor for the magnetic flux density. As a result, accuracy and the reliability of the measurement of the flux density became better, and also, the comparison with the result of the measurement with other flux gate sensors became possible.
