
In-Vessel Visual Inspection System using Super Resolution Technique
佐藤 美徳 Yoshinori SATOH 相川 徹郎 Tetsuro AIKAWA 湯口 康弘 Yasuhiro YUGUCHI 安達 弘幸 Hiroyuki ADACHI 落合 誠 Makoto OCHIAI
カテゴリ: 第6回


In-Vessel Visual Inspection (IVVI) is usually conducted as indirect visual inspection with remote TV cameras. We often face the following issues in IVVI. When IVVI is conducted at narrow spa ce in the vessel, it is difficult for inspectors to set the cameras to the best position remotely and manually. When the cameras are quickly moved to reduce hours of IVVI, the visibility be comes poor because of motion blurs. For overcoming these problems, we focused on “Super Resolution (SR)” that is one of image processing techniques and developed a prototype system to perfor m the SR in IVVI. This SR technique can enhance the resolution of images with software without expensive hardware. This report shows the overview of the prototype system and its evaluation.
