Ni 基合金溶接金属/低合金鋼異材溶接部近傍でのSCC 進展・停留挙動

SCC propagation and cessation behavior near the fusion boundary of dissimilar weld jointwith Ni-based weld metal and low alloy steel
石澤 允 Makoto ISHIZAWA 阿部 博志 Hiroshi ABE 渡辺 豊 Yutaka WATANABE
カテゴリ: 第6回


The purpose of this study is to investigate the following items focused on the microstructure near the fusion boundary of dissimilar weld joint with Ni-based weld metal and low alloy steel; (1) Microstructural characteristics near the fusion boundary, (2) Dominant factor that makes crack retardation near the fusion boundary. Main conclusions can be summarized as follows; (1) From the results of CBB tests, it has been understood that the low alloy s teel has no SCC susceptibility and that there is a difference in oxidation behavior between high and low sulfur containing low ally steel, (2) In Alloy182/LAS sample, most of crack tips were located at the fusion boundary. It has been thought that crack become less active when crack reach at fusion boundary, (3) It has been suggested that the dominant factor of crack retardation is low SCC susceptibility of low alloy steel in high temperature water.
