
Flow-induced Acoustic Resonance Vibration of Main Steam Lines and Dryer in Boiling Water Reactor
高橋 志郎 Shiro TAKAHASHI 奥山 圭太 Keita OKUYAMA 田村 明紀 Akinori TAMURA 大塚 雅哉 Masaya OHTSUKA 吉川 和宏 Kazuhiro YOSHIKAWA 椿 正昭 Masaaki TSUBAKI 馬渕 靖宏 Yasuhiro MABUCHI
カテゴリ: 第6回


The BWR-3 steam dryer in the Quad Cities Unit 2 Nuclear Power Plant was damaged by high cycle fatigue due to acoustic-induced vibration under extended power up-rate conditions. The dryer failure was as attributed to flow-in duced acoustic resonance at the stub pipes of safety relief valves (SRVs) in the main steam lines (MSLs). The acoustic resonance was considered to be generated by interaction between the sound field and unstable shear layer s across the closed side branches with SRV stub pipes. We have started a research program on evaluation of the acoustic source, sound propagation and dryer loading using 1/10-scale BWR-5 tests and analyses. We demonstrated that acoustic resonance did not occur under the BWR-5 power up-rate conditions. The amplitude of the fluctuating pressure in multiple SRV stub pipes became several times intense comparing with that in the single stub pipe.

