Non-destructive Damage Evaluation of Rail Steel Using Electro-magnetic Techniques
鈴木 隆之 Takayuki SUZUKI 寺崎 亮実 Akimitsu TERASAKI 寺本 徳郎 Tokuo TERAMOTO 宮崎 佳樹 Yoshiki MIYAZAKI 岩松 勝 Masaru IWAMATSU
CT SensorHall SensorMagnetic Flux Leakage TechniqueNon-destructive Damage EvaluationRail SteelSimulated White Damage Layer
Using Hall and ECT sensors, a non-destructive damage evaluation was performed for the specimen of rail eel with simulated white damage layers. Two types of specimens were used, one with a simulate d white amage layer of 1mm depth and the other that of 100um. First using Hall sensor, distributio n of magnetic ux around the white damage layers was measured by means of magnetic flux leakage tec hnique. Both agnetic flux leakages of B, and B, revealed the presence of the white damage layers. Also from the agnetic flux leakage distribution, white damage layer's width was able to be determi ned. For ECT sensor e phase difference corresponded well with the white damage layer. Highly sensi tive detection of the white amage layer could be performed with the increase of applied frequency.