連成解析による気液二相流中構造物の振動・腐食評価手法の開発-3 流動解析と腐食解析の連成による単相および二相流中での配管減肉速度評価
Development of Evaluation Method on Flow-induced Vibration and Corrosion ofComponents in Two-phase Flow by Coupled Analysis - 3Evaluation of Wall Thinning Rate in Single and Two Phase Flow with the Coupled Model ofFlow Dynamics Analysis and Corrosion Analysis
内藤 正則 Masanori NAITOH 内田 俊介 Shunsuke UCHIDA 岡田 英俊 Hidetoshi OKADA 上原 靖 Yasushi UEHARA 越塚 誠一 Seiichi KOSIZUKA
Evaluation methodFlow accelerated corrosionLiquid droplet impingementSingle phase flowStructural material integrityTwo phase flow
Development of Evaluation Method on Flow-induced Vibration and Corrosion ofComponents in Two-phase Flow by Coupled Analysis - 3Evaluation of Wall Thinning Rate in Single and Two Phase Flow with the Coupled Model ofFlow Dynamics Analysis and Corrosion Analysis
内藤 正則 Masanori NAITOH 内田 俊介 Shunsuke UCHIDA 岡田 英俊 Hidetoshi OKADA 上原 靖 Yasushi UEHARA 越塚 誠一 Seiichi KOSIZUKA
カテゴリ: 第5回
キーワードタグ:Evaluation methodFlow accelerated corrosionLiquid droplet impingementSingle phase flowStructural material integrityTwo phase flow
In order to establish safe and reliable plant operation, it is required to forecast future troubles on structural materials based o n combined analyses of flow dynamics and corrosion and to mitigate them before they become serious on plant operation. In the prese ntation, discussion is focused on wall thinning of major pipes due to single and two phase flow. FAC (flow accelerated corrosion) is considered for wall thinning in single phase flow, while LDI (liquid droplet impingement) is evaluated for that in two phase flow.