高温長時間延性・靭性の向上を目的とした VING 添加高クロム鋼に及ぼす熱処理の影響
Effect of heat treatment on V/Nb added high Cr steel aiming of the improvement of high temperature long term ductility and toughness
小原 智史 Satoshi OBARA 鬼澤 高志 Takashi ONIZAWA
hardnesshigh Cr steelM2(CMXN)normalizing treatmentsolution treatment
Effect of heat treatment on V/Nb added high Cr steel aiming of the improvement of high temperature long term ductility and toughness
小原 智史 Satoshi OBARA 鬼澤 高志 Takashi ONIZAWA
カテゴリ: 第3回
キーワードタグ:hardnesshigh Cr steelM2(CMXN)normalizing treatmentsolution treatment
This paper describes the heat treatment technique to improve the long-term property of high Cr steel in terms of MX precipitation hardening mech anism. The microstructure examinations using optical and electron microscopes and Vicker's hardness tests are conducted. As a result, it is clari fied that fine MX particles are obtained by solution treatment at hot rolling temperature and that the number of particles increases with the no rmalizing temperature. It suggests that MX particles stable at elevated temperature for a long time can be achieved by particular heat treatment.