青木 孝行 Takayuki AOKI
The Future Activity for Construction of Maintenology
高瀬 健太郎 Kentaro TAKASE 千種 直樹 Naoki CHIGUSA 藤井 大士 Takeshi FUJII
changeable term E-mailcojpK439222kepcomaintenancemaintenance equationmaintenologymatrixTakeshi FUJIIunchangeable term
The Future Activity for Construction of Maintenology
高瀬 健太郎 Kentaro TAKASE 千種 直樹 Naoki CHIGUSA 藤井 大士 Takeshi FUJII
カテゴリ: 第1回
キーワードタグ:changeable term E-mailcojpK439222kepcomaintenancemaintenance equationmaintenologymatrixTakeshi FUJIIunchangeable term
Abstract Maintenance is an activity to keep the functions of systems, structures and components against aging phenomena. Maintenance has so far been carried out based on experience of the experts mainly engaged in the plant. However in order to make a suitable maintenance program, it is necessary to predict the future based on past knowledge and past research data. Then, it is necessary to regard m aintenance as sciences and to systematize maintenance, that is, maintenology needs to be constructed. As the method of systematizing maintenance, study was carried out from the viewpoints of 3 x 3 matrices, a maintenance equation, such as unchangeable term and changeable term etc.