大型据え置き電磁誘導コイルによる 加熱ジャケット付二重缶検査技術評価のための有限要素法解析
Finite Element Evaluation of the Low Frequency Electromagnetic Method using a Large Exciter Coil for Monitoring the Corrosion of Double Tank in a Reprocessing Plant
小野 陽平 宋 海成 遊佐 訓孝 橋爪 秀利 (東北大)
double tankelectromagnetic nondestructive testingfinite element simulationwall thinning
This study performed finite element simulations to evaluate the applicability of a low-frequency eddy current nondestructive testing method for the detection of corrosions appearing in a double tank used in a reprocessing plant using a large diameter coil attached to the bottom of the tank. The simulations modeled the tank as an axisymmetric one, and evaluated the effect of various parameters such as frequency, coil radius and the gap between the inner and the outer vessels. The results of the simulations confirmed that increasing the radius of an exciter from 150 mm, which was considered in an earlier study, to 750 mm, which is approximately half of the diameter of the tank, leads to almost 50 times clearer signals. Furthermore, the simulations also revealed that the gap did not affect so much on the change in the signals due to corrosion if a large diameter coil was used.