渦電流探傷試験の高度化のためのニューラルネットワークの適用可能性の検討 ?ニューラルネットワークを応用した欠陥深さと長さの同定?

Feasibility study of neural network technology applied to advanced eddy current testing -Depth and length sizing of defects using neural networks-
周 新武 高木 敏行 内一 哲哉 (東北大)
カテゴリ: 第16回


This paper proposes a neural network to achieve automated data analysis target. A neural network, which is commonly used as an artificial intelligence technology, possesses excellent feature recognition and logistic regression ability, which are very important to implement automated data analysis. In this paper, the principle and characteristics of the neural network are presented. A neural network is established to discern the depth and length of slits automatically, and it is verified whether the ANN can work in ECT data analysis or not. According to the discussion and verification, it is evident that the trained neural network can accurately and efficiently offer quantitative analysis of defects.
