Examination of a method to search past similar cases registered in NUCIA from predictive information detected by SIAT
林 司 谷川 稔 (中国電力) 山本 敬之 (NEC) 宇治原 里志 (日本IBM) 高瀬 健太郎 児玉 典子 (IIU)
AIbuilding past accidents as a databaseIBM Watson ExplorerNUCIASIATthe dictionarythe fluctuation of words
Examination of a method to search past similar cases registered in NUCIA from predictive information detected by SIAT
林 司 谷川 稔 (中国電力) 山本 敬之 (NEC) 宇治原 里志 (日本IBM) 高瀬 健太郎 児玉 典子 (IIU)
カテゴリ: 第16回
キーワードタグ:AIbuilding past accidents as a databaseIBM Watson ExplorerNUCIASIATthe dictionarythe fluctuation of words
It is thought that we can let knowledge of "Human" substitute by building a function to utilize predictive information, and to extract a similar example from these documents in AI. In this way, we can largely reduce a burden on "Human" by building past accidents as a database, and being resemblance or equivalence, and extracting a cormorant from that. But we may list it by expression varying among document creators even if it is the same company. When we performed a document search with disregard to such a ", we made which considered "the fluctuation of words" because the document using the different expression might leak out from the search results.