
PRA education aimed at improving risk literacy in the nuclear sector
大谷 司 貞包 英昭 小山 紘平 荒井 佑介 齋藤 武志 (電源開発)
カテゴリ: 第16回


J-Power, which is working on the construction of the Ohma Nuclear Power Plant, is trying to improve the safety of the facilities and operation of the plant voluntarily and continuously by using the information resulted from the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA). PRA is based on a method to identify the cause of occurrence, and quantify frequency and impact (risk) of various accident scenarios that can occur in a power plant. Using the risk information resulted from PRA, we can identify the risk factors inherent in the facilities and operations of the plant and consider improvement measures to reduce the risk. We develop PRA education to each personnel in phases in accordance with how they involve in PRA, because, it is necessary for them to understand the existence and meaning of risks related to the facilities and operations of the plant, and to consider and introduce improvement measures. In this paper, we will introduce the overall structure of PRA education, outline of PRA education, and future initiatives based on the implementation status of PRA education.
