Residual Stress Measurements using Direct-Method
鈴木 賢治 Kenji SUZUKI 豊川 秀訓 Hidenori TOYOKAWA
Direct-MethodPILATUSResidual StressShrink FittingWeld PartX-Ray
This paper describes a stress measurement using a direct-method. In the direct-method, the stress is measured by the normal incident X-ray beam, one exposure and an area detector. The direct-method needs a narrow incident beam, so that the beam was made by the graphite monochromator. The welded specimen of SUS316L and the shrink-fitted specimen of SUS304 were prepared, and the distributions of the residual stresses of these specimens were measured using the direct-method. It was possible to measure the weld residual stress, in-cluding the weld metal part. The measured residual stress distribution of the shrink-fitted ring corresponded to the other result, which was measured by synchrotron hard X-rays. As a result, the direct-method is useful for measuring conveniently the residual stress with the short time at on-site. Keywords: X-Ray Stress Measurement, Residual Stress, Weld Part, Direct-Method, Shrink Fitting, PILATUS