SCC 深さ測定 PD 試験受験者の技量評価
Evaluation of SCC Depth Sizing Candidate and Performance
笹原 利彦 Toshihiko SASAHARA 直本 保 Tamotsu JIKIMOTO 秀 耕一郎 Koichiro HIDE 井上 裕嗣 Hirotsugu INOUE
Flaw Depth SizingPerformance DemonstrationQualificationSCCUltrasonic Examination
The Japanese PD qualification examination for SCC through wall depth sizing started in March, 2006, and was operated by PD Center of Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI). As of March 31, 2009, 23 examination courses have finished and 27 out of 38 candidates passed the examination. The total number of test including retest was 63. Increase in the examination pass rate of retest personnel indicates improvements in the depth sizing technique through PD qualification examination and the sizing techniques are quickly absorbed by young generation. The probability analysis of candidate verified that the averaged depth sizing error of qualified personnel is within 1mm and estimated realistic standard deviation of sizing error at field is 2.2mm.