流動加速腐食による配管減肉に関する研究 (旋回流とオリフィス偏心の組み合わせ効果による物質輸送現象)

Investigation on Pipe-wall Thinning by Flow-accelerated Corrosion (Mass Transfer Phenomenon by Combined Effect of Swirling Flow and Orifice Bias)
高野 剛 Tsuyoshi TAKANO 山縣 貴幸 Takayuki YAMAGATA 伊藤 嘉人 Yoshito ITO 藤澤 延行 Nobuyuki FUJISAWA
カテゴリ: 論文


In this paper, pipe-wall thinning phenomenon behind an orifice in a circular pipe is studied by measuring the mass transfer coefficient along the pipe wall by naphthalene sublimation method. An attention is placed on the asymmetrical pipe-wall thinning phenomenon behind an orifice under the influence of swirling flow and allowable orifice bias. The present measurement indicates that the mass transfer coefficient becomes asymmetric about the pipe axis behind the orifice in certain combinations of swirling flow and orifice bias. It is found that enhanced mass transfer coefficient is observed on the positive bias side of the orifice (shorter orifice height) and the reduction is found on the opposite side. This phenomenon is consistent with the observation of flow-field measurement behind the orifice by PIV.
