直流磁化併用パルス渦電流試験による 二重構造鋼材の裏面減肉検出

Detecting Thinning on Back Surface of Double Structure of Steel by Pulsed Eddy Current Testing with DC magnetization
小坂 大吾 Daigo KOSAKA 坂根 尚武 Shobu SAKANE 橋本 光男 Mitsuo HASHIMOTO 長沼 潤一郎 Junichiro NAGANUMA
カテゴリ: 論文


This paper aims at detecting thinning of the back surface of a steel double sided structure. Our proposed technique is characterized by using pulsed eddy current testing with DC magnetization. When a double structural steel is magnetized by DC current, flux leakage is generated as a result of thinning on the back surface. We have shown by the use of simulations that the permeability of the top plate has changed with flux leakage from the back plate. The steel plate without thinning and the steel plate with a thinning on the back surface were used. The thinning region on the second plate was a smooth surface in the shape of an ellipse. Experimental results have shown that we were able to detect a thinning on a back surface of double stacked plates by pulsed eddy current testing. Results have also shown that the changes in the permeability of the top plate were a result of magnetization、 which was detectable with pulsed eddy current testing. From the simulations and experimental work we conclude that our proposed technique is effective for detecting a thinning of Double Structure of Steel.
