事故時安全性評価指標としてのレジリエンス指標の提案) 原子力プラントにおけるレジリエンス評価法の開発 (その1:原子力プラントの事故時安全性評価指標としての レジリエンス指標の提案)

Development of Resilience Evaluation Method for Nuclear Power Plant (Part 1: Proposal of Resilience Index for Assessment of Safety of Nuclear Power Plant under Severe Accident)
出町 和之 Kazuyuki DEMACHI 鈴木 正昭 Masaaki SUZUKI 糸井 達哉 Tatsuya ITOI 村上 健太 Kenta MURAKAMI 笠原 直人 Naoto KASAHARA 宮野 廣 Hiroshi MIYANO 中村 隆夫 Takao NAKAMURA 荒井 滋喜 Shigeki ARAI 釜谷 昌幸 Masayuki KAMAYA 松本 昌昭 Masaaki MATSUMOTO
カテゴリ: 論文


In this research, a new index “The Resilience Index” was proposed to evaluate the capability of nuclear power plant to recover from the situation of safety function lost. Three elements assumed to evaluate the resilience index are the achievement rate, necessary time, and probability of success of each accident management activity. The resilience index is expected to visualize the improvement of safety of each nuclear power plant against severe accidents.
