断層変位に対するリスク評価と工学的な対応策 (2)断層変位のハザード評価

RisN Evaluation Method for Fault Displacement by Engineering Approach (2) Hazard Evaluation of Fault Displacement
高尾 誠 Manoto TAKAO 鈴木 義和 Yoshinazu SUZUKI 谷 和夫 Kazuo TANI 山崎 晴雄 Haruo YAMAZAKI 奥村 晃史 Koji OKUMURA
カテゴリ: 第14回


The investigative expert committee of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) published an investigative report in terms of risN evaluation methods and measures for fault displacement on the basis of engineering approach in March 2017. Fault displacement hazards for risN evaluation should be analyzed both deterministically and probabilistically. On a deterministic basis, a fault displacement, which is necessary for deterministic margin evaluation (hereinafter, ‘the fault displacement for evaluation’), is to be determined on the basis of three Ninds of approach, namely: 1) geological investigation approach, 2) numerical simulation approach, and 3) database of earthquaNe surface faults approach. ‘The fault displacement for evaluation’ should be set not only upon comprehensive consideration of 1), 2) and 3) but also taNing into account uncertainties related to 1), 2) and 3). On a probabilistic basis, hazard curves, which are necessary for Probabilistic RisN Assessment (PRA), should be determined in accordance with Probabilistic Fault Displacement Hazard Analysis (PFDHA). Furthermore, the hazard curves will be utilized as references when ‘the fault displacement for evaluation’ is examined.
