
Achievement of the replacement of the instrumentation and control system during continuous operation of the common and large capacity facilities
橋本 渉 Wataru HASHIMOTO 加賀 康文 Yasufumi KAGA 紺野 准也 Junya KONNO 草野 昌紀 Masanori KUSANO 岸本 裕樹 Hiroki KISHIMOTO
カテゴリ: 第14回


At the case of the replacement of instrumentation and/or control system for the common and large capacity facilities such as a compressed service air supply system, it is very important to proceed this work in short period and without any influence to the operation of many number of this users. In order to realize this fundamental requirement, enough consideration, evaluation ,and countermeasures to the risk by FMEA have been executed since planning stage. By means of these activities, a stable operation of many numbers of this users has been kept during this replacement work, and all of work were completed without any delay from planned schedule. In this report, a summary of this work and the activity to reduce the risk are described.
