
Maintenance Activities for Main Components at PWR NPPs and Expectations of Societies related to Nuclear Power
松永 知也 Tomoya MATSUNAGA
カテゴリ: 第7回


PWSCCs have been found in Alloy 600 materials of several Japanese PWR Nuclear Power Plants. issues have caused large amount of loss of electricity. On the other hand, newon preventive maintenance and repair for Alloy 600 materials have been leveloped in recent years. NISA, Societies and Industries related to NPPs have rtant roles for the application of the new technologies in fields. Quality ofnants lands to cofety and high nerformance of NPPs PWSCCs have been found in Alloy 600 materials o f several Japanese PWR Nuclear Power Plants. These issues have caused large amount of loss of electricity. On the other hand, new technologies on preventive maintenance and repair for Alloy 600 materials have been remarkably developed in re cent years. NISA, Societies and Industries related to NPPs have played important roles for the application of the new technologies in fields. Quality of maintenance activities for main components leads to safety and high performance of NPPs.
