
Advanced Radioactive Material Removal System by Silver Zeolite (2) The hydrogen catalyst reaction and application of silver zeolites
石川 慶浩 遠藤 好司 (ラサ工業) I.Mantzaras J.Theile D.Suckow T.lind (PSI) 奈良林 直 (東工大) 川原 康博 (木村化工機) 小林 三四郎 (森村商事)
カテゴリ: 第17回


When a severe accident (SA) occurs at a nuclear power plant, a large amount of hydrogen will be generated in the containment vessel. As a measure, a static catalytic hydrogen recombination device (PAR) can be used to remove the hydrogen. In the case of significant damage to reactor core, the metal reaction between water and zirconium in the core will generate oxygen. The PAR device can promote the recombination reaction of hydrogen and oxygen using platinum or palladium as a catalyst to convert into water so that the purpose of removing hydrogen can be achieved. On the other hand, it was confirmed that confirmed that the catalytic reaction was very drastic in AgX and that there was almost no hydrogen catalytic reaction in AgR. In the present paper, we will describe the reaction of characteristics of these silver zeolites, and propose the possibility of applying them PWRs in the containment vessel, SGTS, and hydrogen sensors.
