Self-propelling inspection device for ultrasonic flaw detection on the tank side plate
田中 勇 森元 雄大 宇川 祐丞 (日本製鋼所M&E)
CorrosionInspectionSelf-propellingTank side plateUltrasonic Testing
To prevent leakage accidents, inspection items for outdoor storage tanks in oil refinery plants and power plants are stipulated by law, and many of them are inspected according to stricter standards and criteria than the law. For the purpose of detecting metal loss and corrosion on the tank side plate, the inspection by visual check and wall thickness measurement is performed as one of the inspection items. In general, inspections on the tank side plate require the installation of large-scale scaffolding, which is time-consuming and costly. We have developed the inspection device that is capable of self-propelling for ultrasonic flaw detection on the tank side plate, eliminating the need to install the large-scale scaffolding that was previously required for inspection on it.