
Study on keeping performance of water level gauge under the severe accident.
倉 佑希 Yuki KURA 奈良林 直 Tadashi NARABAYASHI 山本 泰功 Yasunori YAMAMOTO 千葉 豪 Go CHIBA
カテゴリ: 第14回


The water level in the fuel zone is an important parameter to conduct properly accident management. In the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, measurement error of the water level occurred, which was caused by evaporation of water in a reference leg. To measure the water level properly, the reference leg connected to the condensing chamber must be filled with water. We focused on the method called backfill to keep the performance of water level gauge during severe accident. Backfill is applied water into the reference leg using pumps or gas pressure. We conducted experiments where pipes are heated in a thermostatic chamber and water is injected with a plunger pump after evaporation. As a result, we confirmed that backfill can keep the performance of level gauge under the severe accident condition.
