大型素子アレイプローブを用いたフェーズドアレイ UT リニアスキャンの分解能向上

Accuracy improvement of the linear scanning phased array UT with a large element array probe
山本 摂 Setsu YAMAMOTO 菅原 あずさ Azusa SUGAWARA 千星 淳 Jun SEMBOSHI 落合 誠 Makoto OCHIAI 土橋 健太郎 Kentaro TSUCHIHASHI 山本 智 Satoshi YAMAMOTO
カテゴリ: 第14回


山本 智 Satoshi YAMAMOTO Non-Member (Times New Roman 10pt) should be about 150 words. Recently, an application target of the phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) has been extended. For the inspection of CASS, low frequency (less than 1 MHz) array probe is required. Low frequency array probe are usually constructed by large pitch element. In the case of linear scanning, the low frequency array probe could not obtain enough number of sound beams which construct a precise B-Scope image owing to non-dense array pitch. In order to overcome this problem, we have developed virtual element separation method. The method can define a virtual focus points and sound beams which located in between sequential actual sound beams. Using this method, high density sound beams would be obtained in a B-Scope. In this paper, principles and performance verification using FEM waveform would be represented.
