断層変位に対する工学的なリスク評価 (1)事故シナリオと工学的対策
Risk Evaluation Method for Faults by Engineering Approach (1) Nuclear safety for accident scenario and measures for fault movement
奈良林 直 Tadashi NARABAYASHI 岡本 孝司 Koji OKAMOTO 亀田 弘行 Hiroyuki KAMEDA 蛯沢 勝三 Katsumi EBISAWA 山崎 晴雄 Haruo YAMAZAKI 神谷 昌伸 Masanobu KAMIYA 小長井 一男 Kazuo KONAGAI 長澤 和幸 Kazuyuki NAGASAWA 千葉 豪 Go CHIBA
Japan, as a frequent earthquake country, has a responsibility to resolve efficient measures to enhance nuclear safety, to continue utilizing the nuclear power, based on the risks and importance levels in the scientific and rational manner. In his paper describes how to evaluate the risk of faults movement by engineering approach. An open fruitful discussion by experts in the various areas of earthquake, geology, geotechnical, civil, and a seismic design as well as other stakeholders such as academia professors, nuclear reactor engineers, regulators, and licensees. The Atomic Energy Society established an Investigation Committee on Development of Activity and Risk Evaluation Method for Faults by Engineering Approach on October 1st, 2014. The Investigation Committee utilizes the most advanced scientific and rational judgement, and continuous discussions and efforts in the global field, in order to collect and organize these knowledge and reflect the global standards and nuclear regulations, such as risk evaluation method for the faults movements and prevention of severe accidents, based on the database in the world, including Chuetsuoki Earthquake, North Nagano Earthquake and Kumamoto Earthquake. Keywords: fault displacement, nuclear safety, engineering approach, risk evaluation, defense in depth,accident sequences, accident management