Ice plug application technology for the maintenance of chemical reagent pipe system
尾形 曜 Hikaru OGATA 市川 友博 Tomohiro ICHIKAWA 野田 静枝 Shizue NODA 古川 敬士 Keishi FURUKAWA 加賀谷 忍 Shinobu KAGAYA 喜多 健太朗 Kentaroh KITA
Ice plugReagent system maintenances
In order to keep stable and continuous operation of the power plants or chemical plants, an ice plug technology are often introduced to them specially for the room temperature water pipe, because of this effect to reduce volume of drainage and the isolation range. Water in the pipe are frozen from outside with liquid nitrogen as coolant, and this pipe is closed with this frozen water as called “ice plug effect” which generates the adhesive and the frictional force at the inner surface of the pipe. There are installed many number of chemical reagent (i.e nitric acid or caustic soda solution) and water pipe system in Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant, so the application of ice plug technology to this reagent system is very effective because of these benefits and decrease of the risk of dispersion of the reagent at maintenance. We prepared a actual sized mock-up device of caustic soda pipe system of Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant, and the technical evaluation of the application of ice plug has been done as follows.